Procursator class star destroyer
Procursator class star destroyer

His mother was a well known Doctor and his Father a highly skilled Engineer approached by many different firms for his problem solving abilities. Growing up in the Core Worlds the Admiral never hungered or yearned for anything. This Quest is to take a young shunned Imperial Officer from the years prior to the Battle of Yavin into a career that will forge him as an equal to the Grand Admirals and as a loyal servant to the Empire in a quest to bring order to this chaotic galaxy. You will inform those who bicker amongst themselves that the Empire is now under my dominion."īelow are our choices. "Captain," the Admiral started, noticing the apprehension in the Star Destroyer's crew as they strained themselves to listen while trying not to be noticed. The shaken Captain of the Star Destroyer saluted crisply. The crew of the Star Destroyer looked on in what he noticed was a renewed vigor as he strode forward, his black combat armor reflecting the overhead hanger lights, his long black trench coat waving gently as the shuttle vented atmosphere. They were just as eager as he was as they took a shuttle to the stray Star Destroyer. His personal minions he had acquired throughout his years of service were tense as he walked by them. The Admiral nodded at an officer tending her station as the memories of the pivotal moment that had set their career alight so many years ago came to mind.

procursator class star destroyer procursator class star destroyer

The Admiral pondered the past and the events that had led to this moment, wondering if there was something they could have done differently to better prepare themselves.

procursator class star destroyer procursator class star destroyer

Around the Admiral was the crew busy at their stations, waiting for the time to strike back at the Rebellion that had hurt them so dearly. The Admiral clasped his hands behind his back and gazed out of the SSD's bridge into the void beyond. The sting of loss from the Battle of Endor still pierced the Admiral's chest as the bridge crew watched a stray Imperial Class Star Destroyer be herded towards his fleet by a squadron of similar ships.

Procursator class star destroyer